  • Nominated for

    Most valuable documentary of the year at Cinema for Peace

  • Nominated for

    Best Documentary Feature and Best NewFilmmaker by NewFilmmakers Los Angeles

  • Nominated for

    The 2014 Images and Voices of Hope Awards

  • You must, you must, you must see this documentary

    The Daily Blog
  • A masterpiece of craftsmanship

    Denik Referendum
  • ...the very best of the festival in toto

    Neil Young's Film Lounge
  • Artistry and clear-eyed politcal vision rarely come this close together
  • The timing couldn't be better...

    Hollywood reporter
  • Frightening, enlightening, anger-inducing, thrilling...

    Neil Young's Film Lounge
  • ...taking up where Manufacturing Consent Left off... the best films on this topic so far

    Mark Achbar, director of The Corporation

When men yield up the exclusive privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.

Thomas Paine

That’s really what will save us, is when we really know what’s going on, not filtered through the lens or the microphone of the corporation.

Amy Goodman

The people that own the media would be much happier if we were a nation of mindless consumers rather than a nation of informed active citizens.

Jeff Cohen